Monday 10 May 2010


I got my wisdom teeth extracted today. I was so excited, looking forward to it with the enthusiasm of a five year old anticipating Disneyland.

Now as I lay awake in agony at 3am, having taken every prescription and non-prescription painkiller I can get my hands on - as well as a bunch of sleeping pills (I just want to sleep), I'm thinking "Who sent me?"

Tell the truth I could have lived with the minor discomfort of them burrowing themselves into my molars compared to this. At least I had my sleep.

So now as I lay awake, I'm contemplating pain

What is pain?
I don't know anymore
At present moment I would tell you
It is the throbbing in the back of my mouth
The sharp piercing in my skull
The numbness in my lip

But what is true pain?
You see I never felt the pangs of a Rwandan boy
On his 12th day without food or clean water
Never been whipped because of the color of my skin
Never hung on a cross...

What is my pain
In comparison to the woman raped fifty yards from her front door
The boy molested by the leaders he trusted
Where does my pain lie on the scale
I mean I'm sure it would pale
In parallel to the man kept away from his family and tortured
For having the nerve to grow a beard and rock a turban

My pain is trivial
So it blows my mind to discover that Christ weeps at my pain
His love, His sacrifice so complete that it covers this little toothache
My rest is guaranteed in Him so why do I fret that sleep won't come?

....Got stuck here. Not my best work, but I'll finish it as I'm inspired

God bless

Sunday 9 May 2010

Purpose Driven

I'm creating this blog for 3 reasons.

First, I love God, second I love poetry and third I want to share my journey.

The purpose of this blog is to put into words the revelation the Spirit give via His Word whilst growing in the relationship and developing my Christian writing.

I believe this is my calling and intend to fulfil my destiny.

There isn't much left to say to introduce this so I'll leave you with a poem that might give you some insight into where I've been and where I am.

My Enemy

You are my enemy

I said, you are my enemy

In case you didn’t hear me satan,

We are enemies

See, I used to be deceived and think you were my friend

Seeking your counsel again and again

Speaking Christ with lying lips, living life in your deception

Perpetuating transgression against the very cross I claim to represent

And I bought your lies

Nearly paid the price with my life

But Christ already paid

I was already purchased; freed

And who the Son has freed is truly free indeed

So I’m not just free from death, but free from sin

But I didn’t know that and in my ignorance I kept letting you win

In my ignorance I kept letting you win

I kept letting you in, not realising that you weren’t my friend

The accuser of my brethren

You were never my friend

Feeding me lame excuses; lies like “I’m young; everyone else is doing it, there’s plenty of time to repent”

And manipulating truths like “God is merciful and kind and gracious to forgive”

Neglecting to remind me that this was sin, and death was minimum wage

It’s true, you only tell lies when they’re almost true

You are my enemy

And that I thought you were my friend sickens me

Not that it crossed my mind directly

See if you asked me,

I’d tell you, “I love Jesus, I hate the devil” easy

But you deceived me

Disguising the sin that I lived in as “human nature”

Had me blind to the fact that I was in league with you

In bed with you

Bearing your fruit so I might as well have been having your babies

I said I was bearing your fruit so I might as well have been having your babies

But Christ saved me

God, in His mercy, forgave me

Opened my eyes and made me

See that even while I lived as His enemy

He loved me

And by this love I’ve been set free

And so I see that sin, you are my enemy

And once again, so you understand it completely, we’re finished

I’ve been set free

And no, I’m not perfect


What I want to do, I do not do but what I hate I do

But thanks be to God, through Christ Jesus

Now I see that you are my

That's it for today. God bless you